Sunday, October 12, 2008

Think positive - Succeed!!!

Practicing positive thinking allows people with ADD to focus on our strengths and accomplishments, which increases happiness and motivation. This, in turn, allows us to spend more time making progress, and less time feeling down and stuck.

1. Take Good Care of Yourself
It's much easier to be positive when you are eating well, exercising, and getting enough rest.

2. Remind Yourself of the Things You Are Grateful For
Stresses and challenges don't seem quite as bad when you are constantly reminding yourself of the things that are right in life. Taking just 60 seconds a day to stop and appreciate the good things will make a huge difference.

3. Look for the Proof Instead of Making Assumptions
A fear of not being liked or accepted sometimes leads us to assume that we know what others are thinking, but our fears are usually not reality. If you have a fear that a friend or family member's bad mood is due to something you did, or that your co-workers are secretly gossiping about you when you turn your back, speak up and ask them. Don't waste time worrying that you did something wrong unless you have proof that there is something to worry about.

4. Refrain from Using Absolutes
Have you ever told a partner "You're ALWAYS late!" or complained to a friend "You NEVER call me!"? Thinking and speaking in absolutes like 'always' and 'never' makes the situation seem worse than it is, and programs your brain into believing that certain people are incapable of delivering.

5. Detach From Negative Thoughts
Your thoughts can't hold any power over you if you don't judge them. If you notice yourself having a negative thought, detach from it, witness it, and don't follow it.

6. Squash the "ANTs"
In his book “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life,” Dr. Daniel Amen talks about "ANTs" - Automatic Negative Thoughts. These are the bad thoughts that are usually reactionary, like "Those people are laughing, they must be talking about me," or "The boss wants to see me? It must be bad!" When you notice these thoughts, realize that they are nothing more than ANTs and squash them!

7. Practice Lovin', Touchin' & Squeezin' (Your Friends and Family)
You don't have to be an expert to know the benefits of a good hug. Positive physical contact with friends, loved ones, and even pets, is an instant pick-me-up. One research study on this subject had a waitress touch some of her customers on the arm as she handed them their checks. She received higher tips from these customers than from the ones she didn't touch!

8. Increase Your Social Activity
By increasing social activity, you decrease loneliness. Surround yourself with healthy, happy people, and their positive energy will affect you in a positive way!

9. Volunteer for an Organization, or Help another Person
Everyone feels good after helping. You can volunteer your time, your money, or your resources. The more positive energy you put out into the world, the more you will receive in return.

10. Use Pattern Interrupts to Combat Rumination
If you find yourself ruminating, a great way to stop it is to interrupt the pattern and force yourself to do something completely different. Rumination is like hyper-focus on something negative. It's never productive, because it's not rational or solution-oriented, it's just excessive worry. Try changing your physical environment - go for a walk or sit outside. You could also call a friend, pick up a book, or turn on some music.

FIA-Govt. of India deal!!

The global credit meltdown has hit home, and how. India's beleaguered airline sector has become the first industry to seek an official bailout from the government. The Federation of Indian Airlines (FIA) has asked for a $1 billion (about Rs 5,000 crore) interest-free loan from the government to tide over the current crisis in addition to many other fiscal sops and easing of regulatory measures.

FIA, whose members include Air India, Go Airlines, IndigGo, Jet Airways, Kingfisher Airlines, Paramount Airways and Spicejet, also wants a moratorium of three years on the repayment of the loan.

A fiercely competitive market, slowing passenger traffic, rising costs and the current liquidity crunch has brought the industry to a stage where it feels that if a bailout package is not on the cards then it would need to substantially downsize.

Simply put, many an airline will be grounded which doesn't sound implausible considering that the $6-billion (Rs 30,000-crore) industry is expecting losses to mount to $2 billion (Rs 10,000 crore) this year.

When asked if Kingfisher Airlines had approached the government for a bailout package and for help till the company was able to raise money, Vijay Mallya, chairman of the company, said: "It was part of the presentation made to PM by FIA."

In a presentation made to the Prime Ministers Office, the FIA has asked for the following:

• Reduction in aviation turbine fuel (ATF) price to global levels. This is to be brought about by eliminating excise duty of 8.24% and custom duty of 5.14% on ATF by putting ATF under the category of declared goods thereby limiting state sales-tax at 4% and by reducing the base ATF prices to bring it in line with international levels. For the last measure the government might need to consider a subsidy.
• Reduction in landing and navigation charges. Specifically, the industry wants a temporary relief of 50% on landing, terminal navigation and route navigation charges for domestic operations for the next two years. Also, that there should be no further increase and creation of new charges at airports like user development fee (UDF), introduction of Common User Terminal Equipment (CUTE), increase in rentals.
• Alteration in route-disbursal guidelines.
• Self-handling to optimize the cost structure and quality of service.

Indian carriers' argument is that there is precedent for such a bailout both in India and abroad. After 9/11, the US airline industry was given $5 billion in cash and another $10 billion in loan guarantees. In 1999, the Indian telecom industry was allowed to migrate from annual fee structure to a revenue sharing arrangement when telcos started defaulting.

Most Indian carriers have been trying to raise money the past few months. Mallya said recently that he wanted to raise $400 million (Rs 2000 crore). With the global credit situation worsening by the day, it looks unlikely that any of the carriers will be able to raise funds in a hurry or on their terms.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Satyam banned from offshoring work with World Bank: An ET Report

NEW YORK: Software major Satyam Computer Services has reportedly been banned from doing any off-shore work with the World Bank after forensic experts and bank investigators discovered that spy software was covertly installed on workstations inside the bank's Washington headquarters, allegedly by one or more contractors from Satyam Computer Services.

According to a FOX News report, apart from Satyam, two IP intrusions have been reported from China, and there have been six intrusions in all.

Investigators say that the software, which operates through a method known as Keystroke Logging, enabled every character typed on a keyboard to be transmitted to a still-unknown location via the Internet.

Upon its discovery, bank officials shut off the data link between Washington and Chennai, where Satyam has long operated the bank's sole offshore computer center responsible for all of the bank's financial and human resources information.

"I want them off the premises now," World Bank President Robert Zoellick reportedly told his deputies. But at the urging of CIO De Poerck, Satyam employees remained at the bank as recently as October 1 while it engaged in "knowledge transfer" with two new India-based contractors.

Courtesy: ET, 11 Oct 2008.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Visual DNA - Try it once!!!

This is really neat...try it !

When you click on the link, a series of about 15 pictures will come up. Click on a photo in each category that appeals to you.

Again 15 pictures will come up, click the one for you and move on. Just continue to keep picking.

At the end, it will give you a profile of yourself....It is called a visual DNA.... Your choice's dictate your profile. It is worth a test :


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My experience with JSW

Finally I got a job. Obviously it was a dream for all. It was my first job. Here it goes. My experience how I got it and working there for one month [:)]. I, my friends anand, palguna and naveen was in a surprise when we heard that the interview will be held the next day in salem. We packed ourselves to salem tat nite. It was a ordinary day wen we reached salem early morning @ 5. We fought for many lodges and finally got one. It was an average rated lodge with 2 beds. We slept for about 2 hours and got up half asleep. Took bath, prepared some notes for interview [:)] and dressed up somewat formally. We had breakfast and started our journey toward the future. We started our travel to JSW. It was about 40 km from salem junction. We got into a bus. Nice songs, cool breeze, eye catching greenery, etc. But cant enjoy those since my frenz insisted me to study (believe yaar). We got down at jsw company bus stop. We walked some half mile.

The company was visible in my two eyes. I had a small dream of working in such a big company (Rs. 1200 Crore Turn over company man. Believe it). We carried ourselves to the HR office. We waited till 10.30 (2 hours) and finally got one question “who are u guys” [:)]. We explained all and submitted our academic documents. The process of waiting continued with some teas in-between. We waited, waited n it was 1 p.m. A call. Not a interview call. They called us to give the food coupons. We went to canteen and had a hefty lunch… our frend naveen was as usual having non-stop feed with no output (speak) [:)]. Then we again came to HR office. A shift from HR to admin block. But the process of waiting continued. We waited till 5. Finally wen v taught of spending our nite in salem, I heard a voice sayin, u 4 guys go upstairs for interview. I din know how to react. We went. Our frend naveen was the first person to attend the interview. We were very tensed. He came out with a smile. He said the HR and tech person inside the interview panel are very cool. I was somewat happy. I was the 3rd one to attend the interview. The interview was very cool and informal. We all waited for that result thing. There it is. I and anand was selected. I was in a dream world. Thank god.

We started back to Chennai. I was happy aftr getting my first core (mining) job. I got the joining letter 2 months later. They told me to join as soon as the final year results are displayed. I replied them that I will be joining on 25 July 2008. The day came. Unfortunately I was the only person joining jsw. Anand got another job in ACC cements ltd. So I was alone. I packed my heavy luggage. My mom n dad wer very happy that their son s gonna work. But they too had a worry of being separated frm him. I started to salem in a UD bus. It was 9.10 p.m. I cald all my frenz n told them tat I m leaving for salem for job. They all greeted me. I reached salem the nxt day morning (25 July 2008). I found one lodge and parked my luggages and had one small sleep. I woke up and dressed up. Took my academic documents and went to company. Luckily I got company cab. Air conditioned, audio enabled cab. A good journey lead me to my company, The Jindal South West (JSW) Steel Limited, Salem. As usual, I reported to HR department. I, along with other 5 persons wer joining as GET (Graduate Engineer Trainee). After finishing all the formalities, I was given a one week schedule of orientation in the plant.

The next day, my first day on job. It was very joyful and interesting. The orientation went on smooth. I learned the process of steel making, A to Z. Excellent infrastructure and processes. I was amazed to see many of those processes. Thank god, I got such an opportunity which people rarely get. People were very friendly and explained the terminologies with full clarity. I prepared one small report about this one week orientation. I submitted to my boss (GM, Mines). He appreciated me and guided me to do some works. I was then directed to do some works in Materials management department. What next?? I too learnt material management using advanced software (Oracle 11g). I professionally became a material manager and many people begun asking many queries to me. I was much involved in my work and got many applauds for my hard work. The work went on. But I felt very lonely. Being separated from family n frends, I was a bit depressed. But the work n the people around me kept my life going. I was given much respect and hospitality among other workers.

As time went, I felt tat I was engaged in doin some works irrelevant to me. Infact I did some work which another person has to do. He was sitting idle and I was engaged in the work. This hurt me a lot. At first I thought it wud b for few days. But the work continued. I was sick of doin the same kind of work (the work irrelevant to my academics). And wat not, I heard some news that the actual mining work will be starting only after 6 or 8 months, I was shocked. I don know what to do. I also din get self satisfaction in doing such job. So I decided. Stayin in such a job will make me forget mining. So I had a brain storm with my mom n dad. They also insisted me in changing my career path. There comes the change. Coming soon!!! [:)]

Monday, September 29, 2008

Answer this twister!!!

Read only once. Be careful. You are driving a bus. it starts from Anna university. Travels towards guindy and takes a U turn and goes to saidapet. There it picks up 10 passengers (note: 10 passengers). The bus travels at a speed of 40 Km/hr. Then the bus drops 7 passengers at anna salai and picks one pretty lady, 22 yrs old. The bus travels to egmore and drops 3 passengers who are heading to New delhi in Tamil Nadu express. Then the bus finally halts at Central Railway station. The question is "What is the age of the driver?"

Answer this twister and u can either leave the answer in my orkut scrap or u can mail the answer to

Come on!! Its a very easy one!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

New VC for Anna Univ!!

Prof.P.Mannar Jawahar is the new Vice Chancellor for Anna University. He took his post today at 12 noon. A few facts about him...

Prof.P.Mannar Jawahar (Age 55) was born in a small village called Palamedu near Madurai. After his schooling and B.Sc course at Madurai, he joined the prestigious Madras Institute of Technology for his Undergraduate Engineering Course in Automobile Engineering. He did his M.E (Mechanical Engineering) at P.S.G College of Technology, Coimbatore. He completed his Ph.D at I.I.T Delhi in "Vehicle Dynamics" area in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Subsequently he did his Post Doctoral Research work at Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.

He joined as a faculty at Anna University in 1978 and become Professor in 1998. He has put in service in the Teaching profession for a period of 30 years in various capacities. He has a three-term (7 years) service as Head of the Department of Automobile Engineering at M.I.T campus of Anna University and one term (3 years) as Head of the Department of Production Technology at M.I.T. During his tenure as HOD, he has been helpful in creating SEVEN new laboratories worth of Rs.5 crores.

He has held various Administrative and Academic posts at Anna University. He was the Director, Centre for University Industry Colloboration (CUIC). He has put in much efforts during every placements and has been very friendly & prompt in arranging & organising placements. He is a member of Academic Council, Board of Studies and various committees at Anna University. He is also a member of various professional bodies including SAE, ISTE, ISNDT, ISME. He is a fellow of Institution of Engineers (India) and also a Chartered Engineer.

He is actively involved in research and has produced many Ph.D's in Engineering. He is examiner of Doctoral Thesis in various Universities and External Examiner for a number of Ph.D. viva voce exam. He has about 16 papers to his credit in International Journals, 20 papers in National Journals and 35 papers in National and International Conferences. He has written two books in Engineering Discipline. On several occasions he had given invited talks in "All India Radio" on a variety of subjects especially related to Automobile and Railways.

At present he is a member of various committees including the Course Approval Committee of AICTE, Affiliation Committee of Anna University, besides a selection committee member for national organization like ISRO, DRDO etc. He is also Advisory Council Member of SISI, expert member of Tamil Nadu State Council of FICCI and expert member of Madras Chamber of Commerce.

He has visited several European countries and has participated in a number of International Academic and Industrial Forums.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 3 - TCS

Hmmm. Tcs is unlucky this time. They got only 455 candidates this time with them to experience certainty :(. After the interview for 780 was wrapped out, the results wer announced today evening, a bit early when compared to the time taken to announce written test results. Many wer disappointed wen they heard the number 455. So sad. Anyways the same advise goes from my side. Don lose ur confidence. Ter r many many companies waiting in the list for u. So b cool. U wil rock. Tomo Wipro. So let us C!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day 2 - TCS

Hmmm. 780 students. Not bad. But lesser than last time (around 1200). Today was the interview day. But tcs had disappointed many candids. Some comments came that tcs is very slow in conducting interviews and announcing results. Interview was held for 560 students today. Remaining 229 students hav to make their files ready tomo. Shocking news for which many candids are worried is that all the interview panels hav 3 panelists :). Enna koduma sir ithu..Anyways the remaining 229 would hav obtained the various experiences frm these 560 ones. So they can go well prepared tomo.The results can b expected tomo eve or rather night around 8 or 8.30. 

Monday, June 23, 2008

Day one - TCS

After a two day gap, the headache is back for the budding engineers. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is on the slot two for the placements. The pre-placement talk begun today morning in vivek audi. The audi was full with around 200 standees as well. It was by the vp (chennai chapter), introducing the company and explaining how they experience certainty in tcs. After this ppt, as usual, the test begun. The test was well organised by merit trac (students this time missed the online test, which was conducted in tcs building. It was amazing last time.). The results were announced today evening, rather night at 8.30 p.m. The number of students shortlisted is 780. Cuic news says that there will be 57 interview panels tomo and some rumours is making rounds that there wil be two interview rounds tomo (hr & tech.). So lets watch the show tomo... Shorlisted candids - b confident. Answer to the question and b frank.. Good luck.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Inflation 11.05%

Powered by rise in fuel prices, the inflation has reached its 13 yr high of 11.05%.  Immediate reverberations in the market last friday led to the downfall of sensex by 550 points. This is the max downfall since aug 2007. Lower income groups are hit the hardest as the price of food prices are also affected with this inflation. Economists feel that the inflation may rise further in the forthcoming days as the rise in fuel prices have effect on other items too. Finance Minister says, "Rise in inflation was expected and we will have to look at stronger steps on fiscal, monetary side. Hike in petrol price is unavoidable. It is expected that the RBI will hike CRR or Repo rate before Monetary Policy. It will affect growth in infrastructure sectors as capital availability become scare, squeeze banks margin and impact on auto sales.
Market Snapshots:
  • Sensex, Nifty hits new 2008-lows as inflation accelerates to 11.05% at 13-year high
  • Lowest closing for Sensex, Nifty since August 2007
  • Sensex ends down 516.7 pts at 14571.2; Nifty down 157 pts at 4347.5
  • RIL hits new 2008 lows; closes down 6.6% at 2100
  • CNX Midcap Index down 3.4%, BSE Small-cap Index down 3.4%
  • All BSE Sec total Indices end in the red
  • BSE Oil & Gas Index down 5%; RIL down 6.6%, Cairn India down 5.6% 
  • BSE Realty Index down 4.5%; DLF down 4.3%, Unitech down 2.4%
  • BSE Metal Index down 4%; Tata Steel down 4.8%, SAIL down 3.3%
  • Index Losers; Zee Ent down 8.5%, R Comm down 6.6%, Hindalco down 6.4%, Nalco down 6.3%, Tata Comm down 6%
  • Loser; Pyramid Saimira down 20%, SICAL Logistics down 16.6%, OCL India down 13.5%, Rain Comm down 10.6%, IFCI down 8.2%, GHCL down 8.8%, Sasken Comm down 7.9%, Indiabulls Fin down 8.4%, HDIL down 9.3%
  • Total market turnover at Rs 85088 cr Vs Rs 56589 cr on Thursday
  • F&O turnover at Rs 58533 cr Vs Rs 42696 cr on Thursday

Friday, June 20, 2008

Is Dec 21, 2012 - The world's end??

More details soon!!! Comment ur views about this here...

Day 3 - Cognizant

Finally. Its time for results. Cognizant officially declared the results today morning in vivek audi. The audi was as usual filled with the nail biting, fear hearted students. After few moments, there was a loud applause from the audience. It was for??. Yes, the top-tier IT company has selected 1103 students from 2199. Its a record in placements for the academic yr 08-09. They hav beaten the previous record which was with TCS for recruiting 1075 candidates from vit, vellore. Wats up then. Its time for celebration. Cognizant is well known for its celebration (celebrating work as well). They had brought a cake this time too, to be cut by the newly selec cognizians. But the disappointing thing is the cake was tooooo small to serve all the 1103 candids. Many had the sweet news of their selection but not a piece of sweet in their hand :(. Congrats for all the selected ones. Have a bright future. Anyways. A kind advice to the non-selected candids from this blogger is - "Dont get disappointed. Never ever lose ur confidence. You many feel lonely and down when ur friends are placed and u r not. Think positively. Think that the company has no luck since it missed u. Always hope for the best. Prepare well and attend tcs on monday, confidently. Success is urs. Stick to the golden words "Failure is the stepping stone for success". U will have good news on monday". Next update under this topic on mon. Bye!! 

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 2 - Cognizant

After an hectic day for Cognizant and merit trac officials in selecting this huge horde of 2199, the second day was a bit free. But it was a terrific day for the hr personals. 127 panels - 2199 students. Damn. God only can imagine this!! Many people felt that the interview was easy although ther is news that it was more technical. Overall view - easy. The results will be officially announced tomo morning. So wait for the nail biting results tomo. 2199 gonna remain same or gonna change to 1299?? Lets see tomo...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cognizant Results

Amazing. Surprising. But true news. The first slot company Cognizant has short-listed a whooping number of candidates in the test conducted by them today. They hav shorlisted 2199 out of 2400 candidates who appeared for test today. This is the first time in the history a company has crossed 2k in its short list. There are 127 interview panels being setup for conducting interview tomo. One more surprising news for Mining students - 22 students out of 23 students got short-listed in the written test. So this time the size of the cake will be very big (All those who think, ur answer is here. Every yr Cognizant will celebrate for having selected the intellects by cutting a big cake serving the number of people selected). So cognizians have fun enjoying cake and celebrating work!!

Day One - Cognizant

The placements for the academic yr 2008-09 begun to show its energy today. The unbearable news is that it was inaugurated by Vice chancellor this time also. His unbearable speech :(. After bearing this, there was a welcome speech by Dr. Mannar Jawahar, Director, Cuic. Following this was the unveiling of the first company for recruitment for this 08-09 placements. Its nothing but the Cognizant Technology Solutions. 

The race begun with a video of the company - The story of Cognizant. It was made very professional. The video started with the details of how Cognizant was born, how it developed and its secret behind the success of achieving the $2 Billion in a short period. The video also covered the different facilities one experiences in Cognizant. It lasted for 5 mins. After this, the mike got caught into the hands of Mr. Suresh, Director of Cognizant (Chennai Operations). Its seminar time now. Knowing tat 90% of the students in the audi are in half-sleeping mode, he begun the seminar by saying Good Morning at 12.30 noon :). All thought the Pre-placement talk would be very boring but wrong decision. Here goes the interesting crux of his seminar.

He begun the slideshow with the quick employee number in Cognizant from the date of starting and till now. Cognizant was started wit 175 employees. Surprisingly it has 60k+ employees now. He talked about business models, customer loyalty, wats in store for employees, etc. Finally the interesting slide for those waiting. The compensation is 3.05 l/annum and no service bond this time also. After finishing the slides, there wer some questions reg the discrimination between circuit and non-circuit students in Cognizant, domain of work, etc. 

Answer given by Mr. Suresh was surprising. He told many of the best performing in Cognizant are from non-circuit (non-core) branches. Everyone in the audi wer shocked after hearing this. Rather they wer amazed.  And for second ques, the jobs will be given in common to all and chance will be given to develop the skills in their field of knowledge like Mech., Civil, Mining, etc. 

Completing this ppt, there was passion video which included the success stories of many individuals like Micheal Schumacher, Pele, Kapil Dev, etc. "They made this wit passion. So lets to make it".

After the seminar (ppt), students were guided to exam halls wit an unique Cognizant ID for written test. The written test was Conducted by Merit trac and the test lasted for 90 minutes. The results wil b announced today evening by 6 pm. 

Surprising News:
  • Cognizant has come with a mindset to beat the record of placements held in the country till now.
  • This is the only company which has conducted the Pre-Placement Talk (ppt) twice on one day for recruiting candidates. A whooping amount of 24oo students attended this ppt in two batches.
  • Largest in the histoy. 127 interview panels are to be setup for interview tomo. So think of it. 
  • Cognizant has reached $2.93 Billion in the year 2008-09 from $2.13 Billion in the yr 07-08, which any other company has achieved in this dollar value dropping and inflate rising world.
  • It has gifted its employees a 30 Gb I-Pod when it reached $2 Billion. Its soon gonna reach $3 Billion enterprise. So prepare urselves to get exclusive gifts soon!!!

So. All the best for the future Cognizians. Hav a passion to make a difference!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Australian Professional Opportunities


IDG Management Services Inc provides strategic advice to employers with respect to International Human Resources. Our offices are located in Louisville, Kentucky in the U.S. and Secunderabad. We have a proven track record in the Technology and Health Care Industries and do not charge applicants consultancy or placement fees. 

They invite serious applicants with a minimum of 7 Years professional experience in their respective fields to submit a preliminary expression of interest and resume.  

These are long term career opportunities based on employer sponsored Work Visas (Category 457 Visa) which permit spouses to work. Initial terms run for 3 Years after which it is possible to convert to Permanent Residency and continue to live and work in the country.

Australia provides an innovative business environment with an excellent lifestyle and defined career paths. The Resource and Services based economy requires dedicated professionals in the following professions. 

Indicative annual salary packages in Australian dollars ( $A = Rs 39 ) are furnished based on 7-8 years work experience.

 - Mining Engineers ( $ 100,000) - With exposure to either Iron Ore, Gold, Lead, Zinc, Coal
 - Geologists ( $100,000)
 - Petroleum / Process Engineers ($130,000)

Career Information sessions will be held in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Madras and Bombay commencing June 2008 and final employer interviews in July/ August 2008 

Please write: Mr. Chris Noronha, President IDG Management Services Inc


Tel: (040) 27740629/ 27740669

Openings in Neyveli Lignite Corporation

NLC, the second largest mechanised open cast mine, has called for fresh engineers from Mining, civil, mechanical, IT, instrumention and control, ece, eee. The post is "Graduate Engineer Trainee". The number of engineers they ask varies based on the discipline. The last date for submitting application in 30 June 2008. The application should be filled online and a dd of Rs. 300 should be taken in Favour of "NLC, India", payable at Cuddalore. For more details, visit Its a very good offer for freshers. Don miss this offer. NLC is at its best in providing training, accommodation and other amenities. Note your friends are also viewing this.  So grab the offer before they grab it. :)

Pepsi and Coca Cola NOT Vegetarian

Hey, I don't know how true this is but Soda is still bad for you.

For everyone's information:
Pepsi and Coca Cola Contains PORK (PIG) extracts - PROVEN!! 
Shocking / Bad News : 
Pepsi and Coca Cola contains extract from Pork (Pig)
Most of the people avoid Pepsi and Coca-Cola for various reasons:-
because of harmful chemical contents such as excessive carbonates, etc. 
Now there is yet another reason which is more dangerous. The scientific and medical research says that drinking Pepsi & Cola leads to cancer because the key element is taken from Pigs sausage.

The pig is the only animal that eats dirt, dung and urine, which makes lethal and deadly fabric polluted germs and microbes. 
According to a report published in Jordanian magazine, the Head of Delhi University Science and Technology , Dr.. Mangoshada scientifically proved that the key element in Pepsi and Cola contains extract from the intestines of Pig which causes cancer and other deadly diseases. 

The Indian university conducted tests on the impact of drinking Pepsi and Coca Cola which proved that drinking them lead to more rapid heart rate and low pressure. Also drinking 6 bottles of Pepsi or Cola at a time causes instant death. It also contains chemicals such as carbonic and phosphoric acids, citric acid which harms teeth and causes bone fragility. Bones kept in the  Cup of Pepsi melts during the week knowing that the bones of the dead remain in the grave for thirty years. 

Research itself confirmed that the calcium dissolved in Pepsi and  it weakens the bladder, kidneys, kills the pancreatic, leads to diabetes and infectious diseases. 
Pepsi or Coca-Cola lovers nothing to worry as it is not the only  drinks available on this earth, as we have other healthy alternatives such as natural fruit juices, canned coconut water, flavored milks, buttermilk etc., all of them are conveniently available even in the small stores. 

Mining In India - A Positive sign!

Mining technology and mineral processing techniques worldwide have undergone sea changes in the recent years. More and more sophisticated methods both in mining operations and adoption of advanced equipment/ machineries in this sector have brought in revolution in the mining community all over the world.

The Mineral Industry in India has made phenomenal progress during the last 50 years. With the inception of Mineral Policy in 1993 and the consequent amendments, there is tremendous scope for participation of private and foreign companies in various joint venture mineral projects in India. The country is now poised to attract massive foreign investments in the mining sector. In the present scenario of advances in technology, both in mining operations and machineries equipment there must be a proper platform for the transfer of technology, exchange of views on the latest developments in mining technology, interacting on issues like safety & environmental measures, information sharing on mining policies & procedures, investment opportunities, private sector participation and joint venture projects.

There must be a unique forum for the representatives from mining companies, equipment manufacturers, consultants, concerned Government Departments, mining associations, institutions, environmental experts, etc to assemble on a single platform, to interact with each other and discuss possible business opportunities.


• The value of mineral production in 2004-05 was US $ 15085 million, which constitutes around 2.7% of the Gross Domestic Production (GDP).
• The Index of mineral production for 2004-05 is 155.1 as compared to 146.9 for 2003-04 showing a growth if 5.6%.
• Foreign investment of US$ 940 mn in Indian Mineral sector is approved which comprises of 73 projects.
• 2326 private and 292 public sector operating mines in the country
• Employment potential for over 1.1 mn people.
• The export turnover from minerals and metals constitutes around 23 % of the total value of all merchandise exported from the country during 2003-04.
• World’s largest producer of Mica, 2nd largest producer of chromite, graphite and barytes, 3rd in production of coal & lignite, 4th in iron ore, 6th in bauxite and 8th in manganese ore, 10th in aluminium and 11th in crude steel in the World.
• Government of India had liberalized the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Policy in February 2000. Presently Government allows foreign equity holdings up to 100% on the automatic route for both exploration and mining except diamonds and precious stones.

Many forums and societies such as SME (Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration), MEAI (Mining Engineers Association of India), Indian Mining Summit, etc work effeciently to take this Mining industry to Sky limits and make it the most valuable industry among others.

One fact: Mining industry is the only industry whose contribution towards GDP rised 200% (from 2.5 to 8.53) when compared with manufacturing and service industries. Hats off to Mining industry and to the dirty hands which made this industry proud.

Source: pdf/india_mining_summit2006.pdf 

Placements for Juniors - 18 June 2008

Placements for the academic yr is gonna begin on 18th June 2008. I wish all the pre-final yr students of ceg, AU (special dedication goes to miners) all the very best in this job fair. My advice to these budding engineers is dont focus only on one particular company. Our cuic rule is u can have 2 jobs in hand. So attend the IT companies, which come first. Don leave them. If ur friends are placed in these org, u will lose ur moral support and self-confidence (infact if u hav/don hav these two). And vice versa, they give u good confidence, help in future interviews. So attend these companies and get urself placed. Wait for core companies and show ur wits there and get placed. 

Few guidelines for the pre-final yrs:

1. Prepare ur resume so that it covers all the key points such as objective, ur academic record, experiences and projects completed. Make ur resume short and sweet. No one wil read ur resume, if it is MORE than 2 Pages.

2. Have self-confidence. Don lose confidence, if u r not placed in a company. Have a possitive attitude. Think that the company has bad luck coz it has lost such a talented person (its u :)). 

3. Prepare well. Don rely only on prev yr question papers, etc. Practise effectively. Be well versed in english (GRE Barrons will do). 

And wat else. Be sure and straight in wat u do. Success is yours. All the best!!!

After College Life :(

One kind advice to my juniors is - please enjoy the college life to its core. U wont get these back. Post college life is very very boring for me. I am fighting with the time everyday. Life withoit friends, gallata, mokkais, bulbs, sights, etc suckx. I think i may not get this wonderful feeling again in my life. I enjoyed this college life to the core than my school days. These 4 yrs were unforgettable in my life. I am planning to join core company and wil b leaving chennai soon. So wil b missing ch life too. :(

Monday, June 16, 2008


Unfortunatly or fortunately, they made me the Placement representative of my dept. But i liked the life of being PR. I came closer to many company Hrs. I was given a chance to know how a hr behaves, his attitudes, etc. Hope this wil help a lot in my future. First company was TCS. All of us attended. but only 6 got thru. they are "1006 il oruvargal". Many were disappointed (including me). We planned to get thru the next company. Cognizant came next. We all appeared for test. 7 cleared (including me). We cleared the interview too. Thankx for the light hearted hr. 3 cleared in Infy and 2 in wipro. Then came the Mining Giant - Sterlite (Vedanta ind.). This was a turning point in placements in my dept. 7 got placed in this comp (with 3 havin already placed in IT). Thank god . My dept placement % went beyond 95. First of its kind in 07-08 placements. I had good times in cuic (placement office) like helping them for pre-placement talks, distributing ques papers, supervising exams, etc. They are good in providing good food. I experienced best foods in my life here. Note: This is not an inn. Its a univ office. Mind it :) All the best for prospecting PRs.. Don concentrate on the last line. Concentrate in getting job for u (for others too)!!!

My tours and Enjoyments wit ma college friends

It was third yr. We all planned to go for a group trip to Kerala. All set. We, 13 guys went to Kerala thru rail. The travelling went good. We reached kerala the next day morning. We had arranged for cab. so met the cab and reached the hotel in coachin. That driver is unforgettable. his famous dialogue "13 vanthachule" is unforgettable. We went to veega land, munnar, wayanad, palghat, etc. This was my first 5 day long tour wit ma friends. It was really fascinating. I din evn dreamt of such an exciting tour. Many exciting and comedy instances like "We kalachifying mari wen he unhooks his shirt buttons, making fun out of guys like deepan, raja, etc". Refer my orkut for photos.

And i worked for ajay sir as part time student. Those experiences were fun and thrill filled ones. One cant judge wen he will be calm and wen he will be rude. But truly speaking, wit experience, Ajay is such a nice person to befriend with. Missing you sir :(. I (along with ansari) have done many projects with him. They gave not only money for my pocket but also knowledge and experience for my brain pocket. He used to be with us while preparing reports, he even used to prepare tea for us. Sometimes, we will eave off for having tea in canteen, hotchips, etc. He is a very good person in treating his employees. He used to give us money for lunch and will drive us to many inns. Such a nice person. First, wen i entered mining dept., i felt that this person is somewat different and will surely not match me. But Now he is a good friend of mine :). Thankx sir for providing me such nice knowledge thru ur job and also some money for it.

Telling about my asst. boss, Mr. amrith. He is a good friend of mine. He is doing ms for the past 4.5 yrs :). Can u imagine it!! I think he is doing ms in checking yahoo and google mails. He will tell i am busy with work. But wen u see, he will be checking his mails :) wat a person. I like it amrith. I have spent my days with this dude. we used to go to hotels together, hangout, etc.

Hmmmm. MISSING ALL THIS. Praying god to rewind the tape of my life!!!

My college Life - the happiest dayzz in my life till now!!

Yeah. Its true. Evryone will agree to it. College life s the happiest dayz in anyone's life. I am not an exception. I loved my collge life to the core. Thankx to my mom and dad who helped me in education and guided me, which gave me a seat in the prestigious inst. The lush greenary, SOME pretty girls (underline the word some), good canteen, good education (Mining dept is the very best, i felt. In terms of result publication, student guidance, student freedom, etc - this is the best of all in anna univ), good library (of course i used it only sometimes), good hostel wher i hang around with my friends most of the time watching movies, chatting wit friends, and if time permits us, some reading. Like this my 4 yrs college life was very memorable and unforgettable. Every yr v wil hav one inplant training. Truly speaking, these trainin meant a picnic for me. I enjoyed all my three training with ma friends. Thankx to Mining Dept for providing such a nice opportunity. And i cant miss this fact. Mining is the only dept. in anna univ, which permits and promotes such training outside tn. No other does this. Hats off!!! to Mining Dept.

first day of college felt as if i am in a hell. I felt everythin was different. It was a common class for me (with all other dept boys and gals). I enjoyed this common class culture coz v had no gals in mining classes :). I still cant forget my F-batch days wer i used to get scoludings from my eg master, get centums in chemistry, used to chat with gals, etc. Missing them :(. Hope they keep in touch with me. Wen i entered my dept. in second yr, there was a big bomb for me (and for others too). It was named "Dr. L. Ajay Kumar". Powerful than RDX in words and teaching. we used to prepare for ajay sir class. Not for his subject. but how to escape from his questions. They reach us like missiles and surely most of us will be defeated by his questions. He will tell to stand in "hot sun". But none of us have done it till now. I used to finish all his works on time and submit them which my class mates dont. Obviously i hav helped many of my friends get scouldings from this LAK. Sorry dudes..second yr, third yr, and finally final yr also came. This 4 yrs went very fast. Final yr projects - the heck of all subjects. it took almost 4 months for me to decide on my guide and project. but fortunately we completed the project and everythin over and now i am Bachelor in engineering (and also in life :)) in Mining.

This is Janardhanan S,B.E. Looks good na.. ennoda kanavu. My mom was always praying god that her son (uh. its me - the intellect) to study in Anna Univ. Her prayers were answerd. Appa i felt free from my moms prayer. here comes the next thunder in my head. She started praying god that "my son has to get gold medal in this inst". Enna koduma sir ithu. ippadi ellam ma pray panrathu. sari padipon nu patha, i got two arrears in my first yr. My mom felt very much. I hav never seen such a sad face of my mom in this 18 yrs life. Tat day i decided to study hard. And the prayers heard the God and i started getting first and second ranks in my class. finally i too got University gold medal. Tat day i saw my mom and dad crying (anantha kanneer pa :)). Hmmm. Then wat. See my next post to know my enjoyments with my friends during college time..

Know about me and my dept!!

This is the blog of a friend of you. Please read on and know about this friendly dude.. I am a Bachelor's degree holder from Anna Univ, chennai. I specialise Mining Engineering. (miss the student life :(). I did my high school in Sri sankara Vidhyashramam HSS, chennai and my sslc in the sister concern of the same institution. I thank god for giving me two jobs in my hand. Am placed in Cognizant Technology Solutions and Jindal Steel Works, Salem. I prefer for core and will join the latter very soon. I am an average studying guy with two awards and one gold medal from this prestigious bi centenary institution (Anna Univ). I was awarded by my department for securing second rank in second year and for securing first rank in third year. I was awarded University Gold medal for securing first rank in third year.

I was the pet student for many professors in my department. Many guys used me for speaking to these giants in my dept. I was often scoulded by my professors for providin my completed notes/assignments to my friends. I was placement representative for my department and helped all my friends in finding atleat one job for them. Now surprisingly, My department (Department of Mining Engineering, CEG, AU) is the first dept to have 100% placement in this prestigious inst. Thankx all for making this history. Another surprising news is that many of our guys opted for core. Mining guys always rock. Their sympathy towards Mining will never die. Wat more there are 4 prospecting students who want to show this off. They r plannin to do masters in this field.